Drawing of Andrew Novac's headshot

Hi, I'm Andrew!

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Project screenshot


Spotify interface with user stats, music videos, pane views, suggestions, and more

Project screenshot

Cover Hack

Create custom cover letters where users can input reactive fields

Project screenshot


A cross-platform application for virtual events and performances, transmitting data globally

Project screenshot


Turn an idea into an actual website or app, in a course-like format

Project screenshot


Link shortener using serverless programming with custom short codes

Project screenshot


Collision detection, integrated motion planning, dynamic tracking, and pathing

Project screenshot

Emergency Response Aid

Team application designed as an intermediatory to help users seek medical attention


  • Questrade
    Backend Engineer
    Toronto, ON
    Sep 2020 - Current
  • Cast Soft
    Software Developer
    Toronto, ON
    Jan 2020 - Aug 2020
  • Cast Soft
    Research Developer Intern
    Toronto, ON
    May 2018 - Aug 2019


  • University of Toronto
    CS & Maths
    Toronto, ON
    2014 - 2019
  • Modern Knowledge School
    International Baccalaureate
    Manama, BH
    2012 - 2014
  • BI Banking & Finance
    Crown Prince Scholarship
    Manama, BH
    2012 - 2014


In a realm bathed in the glow of countless screens, a portal awaits, beckoning you to delve into the echoes of my recent sonic journeys. Here, amidst the ever-churning digital landscape, lies a collection of melodies that have resonated with my inner self. Like the distant strains of a forgotten lullaby, or the rhythmic pulse of a bustling marketplace, these songs hold the power to move you. So, step forward, intrepid explorer, and let these echoes guide you through the tapestry of musical melodies.


Thank you for visiting my portfolio page! I appreciate your interest in my work and achievements. If you'd like to learn more about me and what I do, be sure to check out my other pages. Connect with me on my social media profiles for updates on my latest projects and musings.

Technologies & Credits

Source Description
Source logo SvelteKit Front-end framework
Source logo TailwindCSS CSS framework
Source logo DaisyUI Component library
Source logo SwiperJS Carousel component
Source logo Lucide Icons library
Source logo Stable Diffusion AI Image Generation